The Foot Spa in Palm Beach, Florida

The Foot Spa in Palm Beach, Florida

Reflexology/ Foot Acupressure Treatment

I visited Palm Beach for a family vacation in December/ January 2017-2018. The Foot Spa in Palm Beach is the perfect spot to pop into if you are in the area for vacation and need a quick and convenient massage. Getting a quick foot rub and reflexology (which can help bring relief to your whole body) can be intense but bring real results!  A perfect way to get some relief if you are on vacation and-- have a time crunch!   I called to schedule that day and they had availability. Services were affordable and the place was immaculate and professional!  I like deeper pressure and the practitioner definitely came through! I highly recommend their services! One of my favorite things to do when I have a time limit but need some self-care! Take 60 minutes and treat yourself! Four Stars! ⭐⭐⭐⭐


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